Thanks to the expertise of the engineering division, Nuova Saimar grants the rights solutions for the most difficult and demanding technological requests. From an innovative idea for a project or a product to its implementation, there may be a long and tortuous road: Nuova Saimar will ease it. Our engineering have many years of experiences in analysing problems and find the most advanced solutions at the most convenient price, by designing components and engineering the implementation.
Nuova Saimar designs and manufactures the S.R.S.® (Sludge Recovery System), a no-man entry tank cleaning system based on the C.O.W. (Crude Oil Washing) technology.
The S.R.S.® is equipped with Jet Washers that crushes the sludge and fludize the hydrocarbon contained in it, by using the same product that has generated it: in this way it is possible to recover up to the 98% of the hydrocarbonand the cleaning operation needs no workers inside the tank.