Industrial Cleaning and Maintenance Services since 1994

Our Services

Consulting Engineering

From planning to implementation, we design cost effective solutions with cutting edge technologies.

Tank Cleaning

Our core business is tank cleaning, both manual and by using no-man entry S.R.S.® technology.

Industrial Plant Reclamation

Industrial demolition, abatement, remediation and asset recovery of every kind of plant, both underground and above ground.

Contaminated Site Remediation

Engineering and Consulting – Site Assessment – Spills Emergency Containment and Recovery – Soil and Groundwater Remediation

Asbestos Removal and Disposal

Nuova Saimar offers a wide range of asbestos removal, encapsulation and decontamination services.

Hydrodynamic and Chemical Washings

Nuova Saimar successfully faces every kind of problem given by processing residues, waste or fouling.

Industrial Maintenance

Nuova Saimar offers maintenance turn key services from dismantling, equipment disassembly, maintenance, equipment re-assembly, hydraulic test and return back on service.


Full-service demolition company offering cold  and hot cutting technologies, concrete crushing and hazardous material removal.

Waste Management

In order to offer a complete service to the Client, Nuova Saimar provides transport and management of the waste materials produced during its activities.

Why choose Nuova Saimar?

Cutting Edge Equipment

Modern technical equipment and a renewed working vehicle fleet allow us to satisfy the most demanding needs.

Certified Quality

The high quality standards of the company is certified by  ISO 9001 – ISO 14001 – BS OHSAS 18001 and SOA Certificates.

Competitive prices

Our qualified technical personnel will find cost effective solutions with tailored cost estimates.

Extended warranty

Your purchase last longer: Nuova Saimar S.R.S. is sold fully tested &turn-key and we include in the price both your personnel traning and 30 days of assistance to start up .


The brand “Saimar” appeared on the market in 1985, and all its know-how and guarantee conveyed to  “Nuova Saimar” in 1994.

Technical Assistance

We provide technical assistance and support on a 24/7 basis, including Spill Oil Emergencies.



ACR Reggiani, Aeronautica Militare, AgipPlas S.p.A., AGSM Aim Energia S.p.A., Air Liquide Italia Service S.r.l., Alfagomma S.p.A., Alma Petroli S.p.A., API Anonima Petroli S.p.A., Api Raffineria di Ancona S.p.a., APISOI Service S.p.A., ASM Brescia S.p.A., Botas LNG, BPB Italia S.p.A., Bunge Italia S.p.A., Cabot Italiana S.p.A., Castalia S.p.A., Cementerie Aldo Barbetti S.p.A., Centrax Italia S.r.l., Chimec, CMC Cooperativa Muratori & Cementisti, Comune di Cesena, Comune di Ravenna, Comune di Forlì, Consorzio Ravennate delle Cooperative di Produzione e del Lavoro, Curti Spa, Decal S.p.A., DECO Industries, DEGUSSA Italia S.p.A., Dister Energia S.p.A., Ecologistica Servizi S.r.l., Edipower S.p.A., Edison Oil S.p.A., Edison S.p.A., Endesa S.p.A., Endura S.p.A., Enel S.p.A., Energean S.p.A., ENI S.p.A., Enichem Elastomeri S.r.l., EniPower S.p.A., ENI Versalis, E.ON. Produzione S.p.A., ERG Petroli S.p.A., Eridania Sadam S.p.A., Esso Italiana S.p.A., Eurofibre S.r.l., Evonik Degussa Italia S.p.A., Federpetroli Green Road S.r.l., Fina Italiana S.p.A., Fox Petroli S.p.A., Foxtrot International LDC Cote d’Ivoire, Gas Plus S.p.A., Hera S.p.A., IES Italiana Energia e Servizi S.p.A., Intech Lybia, IP Italiana Petroli S.p.A., ISAB s.r.l., Italiana Coke S.p.A., KT Kinetics Technology, Marcegaglia S.p.A., Marina Militare, Novaol, Nuovo Pignone S.p.A., Oleificio Zucchi S.p.A., Petra S.p.A., Polimeri Europa S.p.A., Polynt S.p.A., Praoil Oleodotti Italiani S.p.A., Prosider S.r.l., Q8 Kuweit Petroleum International, Raffineria di Milazzo Soc. Cons. Pa, Raffineria di Roma S.p.A. (Gruppo FINA), Rosetti Marino S.p.A., Rivoira, Ravenna Servizi Industriali Scpa, SAAR Depositi Portuali S.p.A., SARAS S.p.A. Raffinerie Sarde, SCM Fonderie, SES Saipem Energy Services S.p.A., Syndial S.p.A., Società Padana Energia, SOL S.p.A., Somicem S.p.A., Sotris S.p.A., Tamoil Italia S.p.A., Tamoil Raffinazione S.p.A., Tamoil SA, Tecnoerg S.p.A., Technipipe, Toscopetrol S.p.A., Veneto Acque S.p.A. Venezia, YARA Italia S.p.A.

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